
Walking and exploring roads that extend through a Tunnel Ravne 2 under Pyramids of Visoko

Walking along the paths, which are expanding and opening new possibilities, in the depths of the tunnels, is a real challenge for all adventurers. The old question is always drawn to the new selection, and that question is: Is this the right way? You always choose, and you’re always tempted to, instead of following a tourist guide, go on your own quest for new challenges and see by yourself what Tunnel Ravne 2 can offer. [umetnime] What distinguishes them is the perfection of construction and health effects. At the same time, these are the elements that today represent a mystery to the world. Some people are confirming it and some are denying it, but the fact is that staying in tunnels under the city of Visoko is a very nice adventure that rests both – the soul and the body. [umetnime] As Cronin said long time ago: “Life is no straight and easy tunnel along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley.” It is similar in Visoko, although these are the tunnels in which there are no physical obstacles. We walk through it by choosing the paths,  through which we break to the rooms of eternity, medicinal waters and others, that were until recently lost and unprocessed. Challenge is that we often come across walled frame, but through which we can recognize a new tunnel, that will be cleaned. [umetnime] The network of passages, intersections and underground waters, which were not long ago identified as a “natural cave” by the local population, are now being dug out and passable. Imagine, they are caves formed naturally. They are located a few tens of kilometers, and it is interesting that the distance from the entrance to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is 2.9 km. Within the tunnel, two cultural layers are visible: -the layer originated from the builder more than 12,000 years ago – a layer that tunnels were trampled over 5000 years ago. [umetnime] Tunnel Ravne 2 is the safest location on the planet and it allows a protection of health and revitalization of the body. Within the labyrinth, there are no negative radiation, and the circulation itself is remarkable and achievable with different heights of the ceilings that caused natural ventilation. The tunnel slope is 1.5 degrees and allows fine drainage of water. The concentration of negative ions, which clean the atmosphere of bacteria and viruses, is several tenths higher than the average, and this explains the beneficial effect of the tunnel on the human organism.

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