Some cities are defiant and proud, and others are plagued and are looking for a way out of the drab, but they all have their time when they have magic that gives them a special image and sound.
Kiseljak is a city and municipality in central Bosnia, located in an idyllic area, at the mouth of three rivers and at a location where roads connecting the whole of Central Bosnia cross. The Lepenica river runs through the city, and the city itself lies at an altitude of 475 meters. The location of the present Kiseljak probably as a settlement existed in the middle ages, as evidenced by numerous tombs called “stećci” in today’s narrower and wider area of the city. After the Second World War, Kiseljak became an established town and center of a larger region. They build residential buildings, roads and many facilities of utility, public and political services and the city itself is developing as a spa resort. This important transit place is best known for its traditional Kiseljak biscuits, Sarajevski kiseljak factory, as spa center and its thermal waters. In recent years, there has been an accelerated housing construction in this city, newly built sales facilities and, globally speaking, the expansion is present in every respect. All this in order to make this city one of the largest and most developed centers of Central Bosnia. However, besides mineral and thermal water, Kiseljak municipality has many natural resources, among which we can emphasize radioactive mud and gas, large forest and mineral resources, where the predominantly red and white clay is more famous as kaolin and dolomite sands.
The most important natural phenomenon of Kiseljak is mineral water, or sorrel. Although we do not know exactly when the first jet of this water and natural carbon dioxide crawled in the air from the ground, it is well known that the Counselor from Vienna, Professor Dr. Ludwig, after studying all the natural waters and springs in BiH, found that acidic water springs in Kiseljak by its top quality are springs of mineral water, compared to other sources in Europe. Therefore, city fathers today base their economic and tourist plans for the town of Kiseljak by guiding this claim. Nowadays the Sarajevo Snack Factory employs a large number of people and the Kiseljak economy would be almost unthinkable without this economic giant.
Evlija Čelebija, a Turkish travel writer among the first, warned of the healing properties of mineral water back in 1659. Čelebija about Kiseljak and mineral water writes: “The extinction of the village (the Turks named Kiseljak as Ekshi, which, in translation from the Turkish language, means sour water) springs several springs of different waters. The nature of each spring’s water is different; one of them completely opens up more than ricinus, one hot spring completely closes, one spring is good for itching, lichen and other crusts on the body, and for a french fox, its spring looks yellow, and poorly birds go to various soup, that soup Be better than lemon and rose vinegar. Water from this spring and other waters is called ‘hot water’, but each spring has a different taste. From these waters full merchants from every one of the bottles and from the villas to the villas. ”
Kiseljak and mineral water in 1864 are described by Turkish writer and statesman Ahmet Dževdet. In his letter to the great Vizier Fuad-pasha, Dževdet explains: “Here I saw a weird mixture of the world who came here to drink this very healing water. This summer comes the world from all sides, even from Austria. Early in the morning you can see Bosniaks in the halls and long feathers, rafts in various mansions, Austrians in hats and other costumes, holding a bowl (a small cup of glass, tanned with water) and drinking acidic water, then calm and succulent park. The water is acidic and has a lot of gas, leaving it out of the ground like a fountain. This water drinks the world to a great extent from the baskets, is left in bottles and sends even in Austria. This water is a very good opening tool. And it’s strange that any other mouthpiece weakens the stomach and bowels, while this water is just counteracting. It strengthens the stomach and increases appetite. Early morning, a man walks up to his will and drinks white coffee, with a peculiar appetite of dessert, and then hardly wait for dinner. It is interesting to me that this water has the opposite properties, the opening and the nutrition, and I have to ask a doctor who tells me that this water has not yet been properly analyzed, and that secret is still unknown, but it certainly has magnesium and iron. In short, this is a beautiful and proven medicinal water. As winter people from Carigrad go to the warm Italian regions, it would take longer to come here for the summer season. It would not be difficult either: the Danube and Savo to Brod, and then this way by car. ” this is a beautiful and proven medicinal water. As winter people from Carigrad go to the warm Italian regions, it would take longer to come here for the summer season. It would not be difficult either: the Danube and Savo to Brod, and then this way by car. ” this is a beautiful and proven medicinal water. As winter people from Carigrad go to the warm Italian regions, it would take longer to come here for the summer season. It would not be difficult either: the Danube and Savo to Brod, and then this way by car. ”