
The ivy house of family Radaslić since 1938

The ivy house of family Radaslić since 1938

This amazing house built a Radaslić family in 1938. The house is the most beautiful house in Semizovac, near Sarajevo. [umetnime] The house is in good condition. It has a facade covered with woven and weather attracts the views of curious passers-by. Many passers-by are standing next to her, and she is interested in her tenants to relocate a similar façade to their residential or weekend facilities. [umetnime]

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An infallible part of Travnik’s visit is visiting one of the most beautiful and most preserved Bosnian fortresses – Travnik Fort or The peak of Bosnia is certainly the best location for escape from the city noise and noise, and is also one of the most famous features of Bosnia and Herzegovina..

Travnik Fortress dates from the Middle Ages of Bosnia and was built in the first half of the 15th century. With great enthusiasm and full admiration of this fortress, the Ottomans by coming to these areas have been restored and upgraded.

Although its walls have suffered various damages caused by wars and natural phenomena for centuries, it has managed to survive and occupy a place on the list of national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the few fortresses that has a cafe with a beautiful panorama of Travnik. Tourists do not embark on enthusiasm and are increasingly visited from all over the world.

If you have not yet visited the city of Nobel laureate Ivo Andric, do it as soon as possible. The special smell and charm of this city is felt during the Ramadan days, though the heat and humanity are trapped there every year.

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How familiar are you with Kiseljak?

How familiar are you with Kiseljak?

Some cities are defiant and proud, and others are plagued and are looking for a way out of the drab, but they all have their time when they have magic that gives them a special image and sound. [umetnime] Kiseljak is a city and municipality in central Bosnia, located in an idyllic area, at the mouth of three rivers and at a location where roads connecting the whole of Central Bosnia cross. The Lepenica river runs through the city, and the city itself lies at an altitude of 475 meters. The location of the present Kiseljak probably as a settlement existed in the middle ages, as evidenced by numerous tombs called “stećci” in today’s narrower and wider area of the city. After the Second World War, Kiseljak became an established town and center of a larger region. They build residential buildings, roads and many facilities of utility, public and political services and the city itself is developing as a spa resort. This important transit place is best known for its traditional Kiseljak biscuits, Sarajevski kiseljak factory, as spa center and its thermal waters. In recent years, there has been an accelerated housing construction in this city, newly built sales facilities and, globally speaking, the expansion is present in every respect. All this in order to make this city one of the largest and most developed centers of Central Bosnia. However, besides mineral and thermal water, Kiseljak municipality has many natural resources, among which we can emphasize radioactive mud and gas, large forest and mineral resources, where the predominantly red and white clay is more famous as kaolin and dolomite sands. [umetnime] The most important natural phenomenon of Kiseljak is mineral water, or sorrel. Although we do not know exactly when the first jet of this water and natural carbon dioxide crawled in the air from the ground, it is well known that the Counselor from Vienna, Professor Dr. Ludwig, after studying all the natural waters and springs in BiH, found that acidic water springs in Kiseljak by its top quality are springs of mineral water, compared to other sources in Europe. Therefore, city fathers today base their economic and tourist plans for the town of Kiseljak by guiding this claim. Nowadays the Sarajevo Snack Factory employs a large number of people and the Kiseljak economy would be almost unthinkable without this economic giant. Evlija Čelebija, a Turkish travel writer among the first, warned of the healing properties of mineral water back in 1659. Čelebija about Kiseljak and mineral water writes: “The extinction of the village (the Turks named Kiseljak as Ekshi, which, in translation from the Turkish language, means sour water) springs several springs of different waters. The nature of each spring’s water is different; one of them completely opens up more than ricinus, one hot spring completely closes, one spring is good for itching, lichen and other crusts on the body, and for a french fox, its spring looks yellow, and poorly birds go to various soup, that soup Be better than lemon and rose vinegar. Water from this spring and other waters is called ‘hot water’, but each spring has a different taste. From these waters full merchants from every one of the bottles and from the villas to the villas. ” [umetnime] Kiseljak and mineral water in 1864 are described by Turkish writer and statesman Ahmet Dževdet. In his letter to the great Vizier Fuad-pasha, Dževdet explains: “Here I saw a weird mixture of the world who came here to drink this very healing water. This summer comes the world from all sides, even from Austria. Early in the morning you can see Bosniaks in the halls and long feathers, rafts in various mansions, Austrians in hats and other costumes, holding a bowl (a small cup of glass, tanned with water) and drinking acidic water, then calm and succulent park. The water is acidic and has a lot of gas, leaving it out of the ground like a fountain. This water drinks the world to a great extent from the baskets, is left in bottles and sends even in Austria. This water is a very good opening tool. And it’s strange that any other mouthpiece weakens the stomach and bowels, while this water is just counteracting. It strengthens the stomach and increases appetite. Early morning, a man walks up to his will and drinks white coffee, with a peculiar appetite of dessert, and then hardly wait for dinner. It is interesting to me that this water has the opposite properties, the opening and the nutrition, and I have to ask a doctor who tells me that this water has not yet been properly analyzed, and that secret is still unknown, but it certainly has magnesium and iron. In short, this is a beautiful and proven medicinal water. As winter people from Carigrad go to the warm Italian regions, it would take longer to come here for the summer season. It would not be difficult either: the Danube and Savo to Brod, and then this way by car. ” this is a beautiful and proven medicinal water. As winter people from Carigrad go to the warm Italian regions, it would take longer to come here for the summer season. It would not be difficult either: the Danube and Savo to Brod, and then this way by car. ” this is a beautiful and proven medicinal water. As winter people from Carigrad go to the warm Italian regions, it would take longer to come here for the summer season. It would not be difficult either: the Danube and Savo to Brod, and then this way by car. ” [umetnime]

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Masjid is for muslim the oasis of peace

Masjid is for muslim the oasis of peace

The term faith dates back to the very beginning of civilization. The primary goal of every believer is a connection with God and the most effective way is prayer. Prayer is the establishment of a relationship with the form of a spiritual being and presupposes the existence of a transcendental force that overcomes man in every way and with which he can communicate. In the primitive and superficial understanding of religion, especially among natural people, exists a danger that man will regard his desires as a measure of divine power. To pray means to talk to a spiritual being and to stay with him, to express thoughts and feelings, etc. [umetnime] Adil – bey Zulfikarpašić who was politician and publicist had written a new page in the history of Bosnian – Herzegovinian foundations, by establishing Bosniak Institute in Zurich in 1988 with desire to move it to Bosnia and Herzegovina one day. In early 2001, after the completion of construction of a new building with modern equipment and transfer of the main funds (library, archive, collection of artistic works) from the Institute in Zurich, the Bosniak Institute – Foundation of Adil – bey Zulfikarpašić began working in Sarajevo. [umetnime] The Bosniak Institute is decorated by many things, but one of them has a special beauty and it attracts the attention of every visitor. Precisely speaking, it is a masjid placed inside the Bosniak Institute. Masjid is a place in which Muslims perform their religious duties, leaving all gloomy thoughts and worries out of the masjid and pray in peace. As soon as yo enter the masjid, you will be enchanted by its inside beauty. On the walls can be seen beautiful Arabic texts and decorative patterns that remind us on decorating walls that dates back to the Ottoman period. The floor is covered with antique woven rugs that makes you get lost in the beauty of the decorative patterns that are on it. Also, there is a stand for tespih (Muslims use it when they finish the prayer) and a stand for the Qur’an (the Holy Book of the Muslims), and, of course, rugs on which Muslims perform their prayers. [umetnime]  

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[umetnime] History and many historical books teach us that the Sarajevo assassination was the cause of the outbreak of the First World War. However, many historians agree that this event when Gavrilo Princip (a member of the movement called Mlada Bosna) on June 28, 1914 fired bullets and killed Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia, launched a series of events that had the beginning of the First World war. The secret organization of Mlada Bosna aimed at firing the Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina by rebellions and assassinations. We are talking about historical facts since 103 years ago, and historians say no assassination in contemporary history has left such a mark as the Sarajevo assassination. [umetnime] Visit of the Austro-Hungarian crown prince to military garrisons   The Austro-Hungarian eponymous Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia had to arrive in Sarajevo (at the invitation of the then Governor of Bosnia, General Oscar Potiorek) to visit military garrisons and oversee the military exercises of Austro-Hungarian soldiers. They arrived in Sarajevo by train from Metković (Croatia) on June 27, 2014. They were accommodated in the hotel Bosna (today’s complex of Hotel Ilidža) in Ilidža. An official dinner was held in the evening on June 27, 2014.  On June 28, 2014 Archbishop Franz Ferdinand ordered his driver not to rush with the intent to look more closely at the city. A solemn ceremony was organized in the Council. The guests traveled along Appel’s keel (now the Obala Kulina Bana). The first attempt at the assassination failed when one of the pupils had failed to drop the bomb (which exploded beneath the car). The driver saw the thrown bomb and accelerated the vehicle.   The second thrown bomb was deadly   Automobile Gräf & Stift (where Franz Ferdinand and Sophia were killed today is located in a military museum in Vienna) with their guests arrived at the City Hall, where short reception was held. Then they went to the hospital to visit the wounded, they went to attack the bomb. They were driving the same route to the hospital when the driver made a fatal mistake and turned sharply into the narrow street of Franjo Jozef (today’s Green Berets Street). Although the driver tried to return the car back to Appel’s kay, the assassin who was on the corner of these two streets fired a fatal hate and killed the Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia. [umetnime] The assassin Gavrilo Princip and other members of the Mlada Bosna Movement, who participated in the preparation of the assassinations, were arrested. They were sentenced to life imprisonment. Most of them died in prisons throughout the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After the First World War ended, the remains of the assassins were exhumed and buried at the St. Marko’s Church in Koševo. The Kapela of the Vidovdan heroes was built at this cemetery in memory of the members of the Mlada Bosna movement. At the place of the death of the Archduke and his wife, there is a memorial plaque. In the nearby building, the Sarajevo Museum was built. The period of Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina is at the same time the main topic of this museum.

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Can you close your eyes to imagine yourself on a ski jump? Down below you, on your goal, a great crowd waiting for you to jump. Then when you finally get the strength and jump, you fly 75, 85 and finally land at 91 meters for the gold medal. You get to the finish line and then you cycle the path to Babin do, and you climb to 2000 meters and ski down a steep path to the target at 1200 meters of altitude. A warm tea and cheerful society is waiting for you. [umetnime] Yes, that was exactly ’84 at 25km from Sarajevo. There are also witnesses – skydivers, trails and lifts. Ah, that ’84 was weird and beautiful, cold and warm. At that time, active hops were at 70 and 90 meters. There were also Finches, Danes, Norwegians and Yugoslavs. They had one goal – to jump better, and today, unfortunately, most of the infrastructure is destroyed, but a lot has been updated and prepared for EYOF. Decorated with dense forests, the habitat is of many animals, and hunters are one of the favorite places for hunting, but besides hunting Bjelašnica and Igman offer other amenities such as alpinism, paragliding, riding, hiking, mountain biking, riding four-wheelers. There is a reserve with a high degree of biodiversity on Babina dolina and in the ravine valley. [umetnime] Bjelašnica is home to many traditional villages where visitors can get acquainted with the tradition and culture of the indigenous people. The most famous and most visited is Lukomir, although a multitude of culture and traditions of the indigenous people can be seen in Dejčići, Šabići and other villages that surround this mountain. It is interesting to note that on Bjelašnica the four seasons change in one day. On the other hand, Igman is a mountain with extremely high ozone concentrations, and as an air spa it is extremely suitable for training of sports teams. During the Olympics, a large field served as a competition in Nordic disciplines, and together with Bjelašnica there are about 50 kilometers of course for Nordic running and 160 marked mountain biking trails. Igman also has a unique locality of Mrazište (a phenomenon of thermal inversion), and the lowest temperature of – 43.5 ° C was recorded in January 1963, which is why once there was a silver fox breeding ground. [umetnime] At this point, there is a seasonal track, and pictures of autumn with new buildings in Babin dol are available in our gallery.

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Walking and exploring roads that extend through a Tunnel Ravne 2 under Pyramids of Visoko

Walking and exploring roads that extend through a Tunnel Ravne 2 under Pyramids of Visoko

Walking along the paths, which are expanding and opening new possibilities, in the depths of the tunnels, is a real challenge for all adventurers. The old question is always drawn to the new selection, and that question is: Is this the right way? You always choose, and you’re always tempted to, instead of following a tourist guide, go on your own quest for new challenges and see by yourself what Tunnel Ravne 2 can offer. [umetnime] What distinguishes them is the perfection of construction and health effects. At the same time, these are the elements that today represent a mystery to the world. Some people are confirming it and some are denying it, but the fact is that staying in tunnels under the city of Visoko is a very nice adventure that rests both – the soul and the body. [umetnime] As Cronin said long time ago: “Life is no straight and easy tunnel along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley.” It is similar in Visoko, although these are the tunnels in which there are no physical obstacles. We walk through it by choosing the paths,  through which we break to the rooms of eternity, medicinal waters and others, that were until recently lost and unprocessed. Challenge is that we often come across walled frame, but through which we can recognize a new tunnel, that will be cleaned. [umetnime] The network of passages, intersections and underground waters, which were not long ago identified as a “natural cave” by the local population, are now being dug out and passable. Imagine, they are caves formed naturally. They are located a few tens of kilometers, and it is interesting that the distance from the entrance to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is 2.9 km. Within the tunnel, two cultural layers are visible: -the layer originated from the builder more than 12,000 years ago – a layer that tunnels were trampled over 5000 years ago. [umetnime] Tunnel Ravne 2 is the safest location on the planet and it allows a protection of health and revitalization of the body. Within the labyrinth, there are no negative radiation, and the circulation itself is remarkable and achievable with different heights of the ceilings that caused natural ventilation. The tunnel slope is 1.5 degrees and allows fine drainage of water. The concentration of negative ions, which clean the atmosphere of bacteria and viruses, is several tenths higher than the average, and this explains the beneficial effect of the tunnel on the human organism.

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One generation is leaving, and the other comes, and that country, that Bosnia always remains. He remains afraid to testify that he still sings this sevdah. These rivers flow fast, and the water is always cold and goes to the same sea from which it returns to begin its flow again. [umetnime] No, readers, her story is not written on myths and legends as others do. Everything before us existed and everything will remain behind us, so also witnesses of history written with swords and fighters of a brave heart. Yeah, read, if you thought we were thinking of the shrouds you hit, but you probably did not know there was an old town of Bužim that credibly witnesses life in the 12th century. The traces of a strong and developed fortress that represented the continuity of life in the Buža area was located at 325 meters above sea level, and its full glory sited in the period of developed Middle Ages. It is interesting that it was built at the time of the cold weapon, and later it was built and fastened by new walls and towers. The then inhabitants of the old town used a beautifully sunken plank and stone groove. What impressed her and gave her a special charm were towers, loopholes, chambers, dungeons, bastions, ramparts, and taboos. [umetnime] Sometimes the entrance to this town was decorated with a stone slab printed with a glagolitic script: “This city was built from the foundation, the elected leader Juraj Mikulicic. At that time in Croatia there was no better man. King Matthias was known for great honesty. For the Emperor of the Turks known as the man who found the peace of the whole country of Hungary. And the car of the Roman good man called him. And each of these chiefs gave him gifts, and the Croats executed him at the command of Prince Ivaniš. Who would like such a man to call such a city based on the summit … ” The inscription refers to the construction of an exterior city built by Juraj Mikulicic in 1484. During the occupation, an Austro-Hungarian officer was given this plate as a valuable cultural monument to the then People’s Museum in Zagreb. Today, this slab is located in the monument of the Croatian History Museum. The old or inner fortress was once a smaller castle with high circular towers dating from the first days, and in the 15th century the castle got a new fort. The walls and towers of the new fortifications are far below, and at the top there were positions for the cannons. The shape of the inner city itself is a regular quadruple, and still there are still partially preserved remains of the cistern, the walls of the stone mosque, which was established by the arrival of the Ottoman Empire on the foundations of the ancient parish church of St. Clement. On the corners of the inner city there are round towers, which are in very poor condition today. [umetnime] It was the old town of Bužim, a center of military and civilian power in this area, and today traces of time are visible, and what we should be proud of is only the oronula and abandoned fortress to testify about the burning and interesting past of this region.

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On the first sight the old and decrepit medieval states were wrapped in the veil of secret spells known to a very small number of people, and today even smaller. Yet what the inhabitants of these areas have borne is faith in God and a sacrifice for one and only Bosnia. No, medieval Bosnia was a supra-national creation, but a civilization process that enabled people to understand, understand their soil in which they lived, but this process also led to the mosaic of religion, thinking and creation of today’s multiculturalism. [umetnime] The Bosnian kings in their affairs included then a very important institution to the Church of Bosnia, which, regardless of differences, did not exclude either the Catholic or the Orthodox Church. Yes, then people cooperated and participated in all decisions together, they did not separate because they loved the country they live in, the country that feeds them. [umetnime] Imagine moving from Sarajevo to the weekend route where you know the wealth of your country. You go so lightly and you go through the passage of a cultural history, Visoko, King Sutjeska, Vranduk, Maglaj and finally you arrive there. Here the knights defended honor and wrote history, and attacked and tried to destroy one city, one state many, but failed. [umetnime] Strategic one of the most important cities of medieval Bosnia was Doboj. Our ancestors also known as the valley colors. Many blood flowed through the rivers Usorom, Sprečo and Bosnom, yet our ancestors were proud because they preserved the historical treasure for future generations. [umetnime] There is a lot of readers, catapults fired, swords broken and many times wounds on the fortress are overwhelmed. Gradina or Stari grad Doboj was built in the 13th century, and first mentioned in 1415 in the charter sent to the Hungarian Emperor. The stories of Doboj from knee to knee from centuries and memories have been broadcast, but they are well known to two versions of the story about how this city got its name. Some say that Sultan Mehmed II had once left his luggage in this city, and that Doboj originated from the Turkish word for luggage, and the other is that the name Doboj is inspired by the historical battles played on this ground. While the fighting was taking place around them, the inhabitants of this old city enjoyed themselves inside the walls. They had, and then, and the memory of that we have now an amphitheater where all the cultural events of the then vakta were going on. Positioned on the characteristic shape of the hill of volcanic origin and yet rich in underground tunnels that served to communicate the upper and lower parts of the population, the fortress is a true treasure of this region. Some dealers of this vault used exactly these tunnels as a shelter for the food and groceries they sold. While merchants sold their products at the entrance were knights, the guards of this fort were welcoming their visitors and offering them rakija medovačkom. It’s not an ordinary brandy of the honeybee. It was a brandy made according to an ancient recipe.   See more 360 degrees photos

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The Sarajevo’s room of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia

The Sarajevo's room of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia

[umetnime] Though it was neither the largest nor the most luxurious, as you see yourself, the room of Austrian Heir to the Throne Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia, however, has been decorated with charm, elegance and splendor. It is well known that Franz Ferdinand and his spouse  Sofia came to Sarajevo , among other things, to visit Austrian troops on military maneuvers. Although the visit was supposed to be short, the accommodation was a splendid at that time. [umetnime] You can notice that the interior of the room is warm. When we look at furniture and all the other objects in the room, it looks like we’re present there. We have the feeling that the furniture is so unique and expensive, that we are simply afraid of thinking of sitting on a royal sofa or using tea with biscuits from royal china cupcakes. [umetnime] In this beautiful room, the Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia spent their last night.

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