
The Bosniak Institute is a unique cultural and scientific institution

The Bosniak Institute is a unique cultural and scientific institution

Bosniak Institute – Foundation of Adil – bey Zulfikarpašić is the unique cultural and scientific institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Which possess museum, library, archive, gallery and cultural center which attracted a lot of attention in public from the very opening.

Long time ago Armstrong said that a little group of decisive souls supported with strong wind in their mission can change the history. Sometimes it is needed faith instead of group of souls! Thus in 2001, the Bosniak Institute was opened as the result of the culmination of devotion. The vision that couple Zulfikarpašić, Adil – bey and his wife Tatjana had had for many decades.

The Bosniak Institute is the unique cultural and scientific institution

Lifelong commitment to collecting materials about Bosnia and Herzegovina, the countries of the former Yugoslavia and the Balkans with the active publicistic and political work contributed to the achievement of such results. Bosniak Institute – Foundation of Adil – bey Zulfikarpašić is the unique cultural and scientific institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Which possess museum, library, archive, gallery and cultural center which attracted a lot of attention in public from the very opening.

The Bosniak Institute is unavoidable place in the city of Sarajevo

When we talk about the meeting with Bosnian tradition through the artifacts of traditional Bosnian furniture and clothes, objects, cultural events, collections of artistic works of Bosnian – Herzegovinian artists, and research of modern and Ottoman architecture. The Bosniak Institute is unavoidable place in the city of Sarajevo.

Not many of us has a chance to change history, but all of us can work on that to change the part of a particular event. In the whole, those events will be written as the history of one generation. The Bosniak Institute went this way and through various programs and activities it offered unique cultural events. According to that, it offers a unique walk through cultural history of our country, inheritance, tradition and culture.

Bosniak Institute offers a wide spectrum of the museum’s artifacts

Except two objects which create complex of the Institute, better said, the Ottoman from the 16th century and the second, modern from the 21st century, the Bosniak Institute offers a wide spectrum of the museum’s artifacts which are the witnesses of the rich history, tradition and culture. The history is cruel master. It has no the present, just the past which goes towards the future. Because of that, do not doubt that you cannot change it, you have already did it.

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Bosnian room is Bascarsija in four walls

Bosnian room is Bascarsija in four walls

If you wish to meet a man, look over his threshold. Probably we all heard of this expression even tho we never asked ourself about the meaning. Very often the things we present in front of our homes is not a mirror of what is really happening. The same is with people, the outside look, the smile, the joy. All that does not reflect the inside of the soul. Even thought, there is always a nice smelling flowers inside the weeds. Wondering inside the box of memories, old stories and cartoons from The Bosnia and Herzegovina history and culture we feel the smell of the flowers in the old Bosnian room.


The Bosnian room consists of the shirt sofas that are usually put on the edges of the room, and the bedside that are under the windows, so the one who is sitting on the sofa can look over the window and see his yard. The curtains on the the window are always homemade. Very ofter they are brought in the home as inheritance of the bride. Those curtains are the most beautiful details thats stands out in the room. In the middle of the room there is usually a wooden coffee table, and somewhere in the corner there is a metal table usually used to serve the food.

On the other side there is a wooden cabinet where you usually would keep the sheets and blankets. This room would transform itself very quickly from a dining room to a bedroom. The plates to serve the food in the Bosnian room would usually be from coper, aluminium or wood. The unique details are for sure the woodcraft parts of the furniture, the craftwork that even today represent a form of art that is on the UNESCO lis of cultural heritage.


The Bosnian room is a very important segment of the history, as well as the present of our people, our existing and being. All that it contains has an extraordinary meaning fo the architectonical puzzle of our County. Before it was used for rest, enjoying the day from morning till night. Its is really a pleasure to drink the Bosnian coffee, too eat our traditional sweets and talk till the dawn knocks on the windows. For real the Bosnian room brings with itself out of ordinary stories in an ordinary place. Unfortunately, beside the museum examples and the exhibit in the Bosnian Institute they are really rare the places where you can have that kind of experience, and the opportunity to enjoy the Bosnian room. If you go lil bit deeper in thinking of the Bosnian room and remember out sofas, homemade curtains, coper plates and all those symbols, do you remember something. When I close my eyes and think of the Bosnian room i remember Bascarsija. For me Bascarsija is a Bosnian room in four walls, and for you? If you are not sure and you cant connect with your thoughts, the best thing is to go visit the Bosnian room in the Bosnian Institute. Experience it as it was before, full of pleasure so you can walk with Bascarsija in four walls.

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