Sukijja -the Islamic legacy in the city of mist Sukijja, the name of the Maglaj mosque, symbolic connected to visual appearance... lead covered mosque
In the town, which is mentioned in the Charter of King Stjepan Ostoja in 1399, the Yusuf Pasha “Kuršumlija” mosque has been breathing for centuries. Mosque was built by Ali Pasha Kalauz in 1560. He had the Beglerbeg title at the Imperial Court. He served in Bosnia in 1583. The name of the Maglaj mosque, symbolic connected to visual appearance- mosque is lead covered.
The mosque was built of stone. According to the way and processing of the stone, today they are classified as the most valuable part of the Bosniak cultural identity. At the very entrance is a spacious porch, and its uniqueness is reflected in the harem, which is located very close of the mosque. The mosqe is rich in ornamental stalactite motifs, and is one of the best products of ornamental sculpture. At the time of its creation, it is believed that there was a school builder Sinan. It is located in the old part of the town of Maglaj, and near it is the oldest mosque, in a city coming up from the fog.
“Sukijja” was renovated several times in 1966, and the oldest imam is Atif ef. Dedukić. It is located under the Maglaj Fortress. Her most frequent visitors were high school students, who attended madrasa classes. Inside the mosque there is a stone slab written in Turkish, and you will discover its essence if you visit the beauties of the oldest Maglaj beauty.
Today, under the fortress walls, prayers are performing and tarawih- an evening prayer which performing during Ramadan.
Written by Emina Čamić
Translated by Alma Gadžo

Sukijja -the Islamic legacy in the city of mist
Sukijja, the name of the Maglaj mosque, symbolic connected to visual appearance... lead covered mosque
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