
The Bosniak Institute is a unique cultural and scientific institution

The Bosniak Institute is a unique cultural and scientific institution

Bosniak Institute – Foundation of Adil – bey Zulfikarpašić is the unique cultural and scientific institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Which possess museum, library, archive, gallery and cultural center which attracted a lot of attention in public from the very opening.

Long time ago Armstrong said that a little group of decisive souls supported with strong wind in their mission can change the history. Sometimes it is needed faith instead of group of souls! Thus in 2001, the Bosniak Institute was opened as the result of the culmination of devotion. The vision that couple Zulfikarpašić, Adil – bey and his wife Tatjana had had for many decades.

The Bosniak Institute is the unique cultural and scientific institution

Lifelong commitment to collecting materials about Bosnia and Herzegovina, the countries of the former Yugoslavia and the Balkans with the active publicistic and political work contributed to the achievement of such results. Bosniak Institute – Foundation of Adil – bey Zulfikarpašić is the unique cultural and scientific institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Which possess museum, library, archive, gallery and cultural center which attracted a lot of attention in public from the very opening.

The Bosniak Institute is unavoidable place in the city of Sarajevo

When we talk about the meeting with Bosnian tradition through the artifacts of traditional Bosnian furniture and clothes, objects, cultural events, collections of artistic works of Bosnian – Herzegovinian artists, and research of modern and Ottoman architecture. The Bosniak Institute is unavoidable place in the city of Sarajevo.

Not many of us has a chance to change history, but all of us can work on that to change the part of a particular event. In the whole, those events will be written as the history of one generation. The Bosniak Institute went this way and through various programs and activities it offered unique cultural events. According to that, it offers a unique walk through cultural history of our country, inheritance, tradition and culture.

Bosniak Institute offers a wide spectrum of the museum’s artifacts

Except two objects which create complex of the Institute, better said, the Ottoman from the 16th century and the second, modern from the 21st century, the Bosniak Institute offers a wide spectrum of the museum’s artifacts which are the witnesses of the rich history, tradition and culture. The history is cruel master. It has no the present, just the past which goes towards the future. Because of that, do not doubt that you cannot change it, you have already did it.

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Weapons exhibition that calls to preserve the cultural heritage and power of interpretation of the history trough material elements(video+360 Photographs)

Weapons exhibition that calls to preserve the cultural heritage and power of interpretation of the history trough material elements(video+360 Photographs)

Within the exhibition in the Bosnian Institute – Adil Zurfikarpasic foundation there are few example of weapons and firearms from the period of XV til XX century. The weapons often symbolise the time from when it dates, so is with these examples. They show power, progress and the creative spirit of the time that it dates from. [umetnime] Also, one of the characteristics of the weapons is showing and maintaining the status of the man in society as a symbol of the protector of the family and house. Actually these weapons characterise Bosnia and Herzegovina from that period and from which we can see the progress and the competence for the war. There are few examples of weapons that were used in our country -Jatagan- or -Handzar- which is a type of long knife that was usually carried by men in Bosnia and Herzgovina. -Sablja- was a common equipment between weapons that came in our country rough the Ottoman Empire, and very quickly the small shotgun called -Kabura-. There were few more firearms that gained their names by the place where they were produces. The biggest firearms that men were carrying were this long shotguns, so called -Sisane-. Actually the weapons were produced in many places in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and with those were opened stores that were selling weapons. [umetnime] The weapon is a characteristical part of the material and non material heritage. The men were using it as a display of the power and status so they were giving big attention to the production of the weapon. Beside that it was very important to have weapons that are richly decorated so that process was made with different caligpaphical methods and sometimes they were embellished with stones and mother of pearl. It was interesting that the men were not showing on big events without expensive weapons and the same was not intended for fights. If you look at this weapons you can clearly see the status of Bosnia and Herzegovina in this period. Its very important the existence of an exhibition like this, that calls for the preservation of the cultural heritage and the power of interpretation of the history trough material evidence. With that it gives to all of us space to conclude something abut the weapons from the period from XV-XX century. [umetnime]

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Designed by Armin Bečić

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